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Dear all,

We hope this message finds you well. More than six months after the first Covid-19 lockdown measures were taken, many of us have gotten used to working from home, or in empty offices – but we still miss the social fun, the real closeness to people we already know, and to find new people to connect with.

The past months also meant that everybody working in the training profession had to find new ways of delivering trainings and workshops. Many of us have done an amazing job in translating our services into the digital space.

Now is the time to continue the learning.

If you want to discover new ways of working with your culturally diverse groups and teams, click here to discover a free online resource on intercultural tools:

CIT4VET Open Online Catalogue

CIT4VET stands for open online Catalogue of Intercultural Tools for Vocational Education and Training.

Funded by Erasmus+ since October 2018, the catalogue offers intercultural tools and self-learning materials that will help you adjust your training methods to the needs of an ever more culturally diverse group of participants.

CIT4VET will give you easy access at any time and at no registration costs.

Discover new tools to develop new designs for your intercultural and diversity training, and to better deal with your culturally diverse groups of learners:

Will you also find tools that you can use in digital space? Yes!

One of our favourite tools, wonderful for both offline and online use, is the exercise Fast Friends, developed by Elizabeth Page-Gould, Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, and Linda R. Tropp. Click here to learn more about it and discover the social fun it brings:

Fast Friends – English Tool

After two years of intense work, the CIT4VET project is now coming to an end. We very much enjoyed our PAN-European co-operation with our partners from five other European countries:

  • For Germany: assist international Human Resources
  • For Ireland: The Institute of Technology Tralee
  • For Italy: Diciannove società cooperativa
  • For Poland: Danmar Computers LLC and Centrum Kształcenia Edukator Sp. z o.o.
  • For Bulgaria: Runi Center

Thanks everybody for a great time of working together!

And if you have any questions about the project, or would like to receive more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.

With our best regards,

Oscar van Weerdenburg en Ursula Brinkmann

Intercultural Business Improvement bv
van Hengellaan 2 | NL 1217 AS Hilversum | | +31 (35) 62 94 269

Curious to learn more about this project?

Then click here to go to the project’s website:

Or watch our videos:
Trends in the Field by Dr Ursula Brinkmann, Presentation for the Leadership Excellence Institute Zeppelin Conference “Transcultural Competence” 26 June 2020

CIT4VET: Discover the Catalogue of Intercultural Tools for VET Trainers (Part 1) by Iliana Docheva

Discover CIT4VET Open Online Catalogue of Intercultural Tools for VET Trainers (Part 2) by Iliana Docheva

Or follow us on Facebook and Twitter @CIT4VET


Elizabeth Page-Gould, Rodolfo Mendoza-Denton, and Linda R. Tropp (2008). With a little help from my cross-group friend: Reducing anxiety in intergroup contexts through cross-group friendship. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 95, 1080-1094.

Project n°2018-1-DE02-KA202-005051
oktober 2018 – september 2020

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This article reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
