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Are the groups in your training room becoming ever more culturally diverse?

Then do take a look at the CIT4VET Open Online Catalogue.

CIT4VET stands for open online Catalogue of Intercultural Tools for Vocational Education and Training. Currently developed by a team of partners from six EU countries – Bulgaria, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands and Poland – the CIT4VET catalogue will bring to you intercultural tools and self-learning materials that will help you adjust your training methods to the needs of an ever more culturally diverse classroom. Funded by Erasmus+, CIT4VET will give you easy access at any time and at no registration costs.

The workforce in the European Union has become ever more culturally diverse. The benefits of a culturally diverse workforce are widely known, but which skills do we need to succeed in an intercultural work environment? The main goal of CIT4VET is to help VET professionals to gain insight into how cultural factors influence their work, and how they can respond to this, by providing easy access to and extensive information about intercultural know-how and tools.

With over 160 different nationalities, cities like Amsterdam and Rotterdam belong to the culturally most diverse cities in the world. Of the 9.2 million people working in the Netherlands, more than 2 million people have a migration background. Chances are that in any regular training for a Dutch organization – for example, verkoopvaardigheden, verandermanagement, webdesign of communicatieve vaardigheden – your training group will be culturally mixed. Will your favourite introductory exercise work for all of them? How will participants relate to one another? Who will participate freely in discussions, or volunteer for a challenging role play? In the CIT4VET catalogue, you will find basic intercultural know-how and tools to reflect about the challenges of training culturally diverse groups. You’ll be able to browse through innovative or tried-and-tested, but always practical material specifically selected to help you update your training skills for culturally diverse groups. As you grow as a professional your interests grow with you. Therefore, once you use CIT4VET you will be drawn back to the website to explore more areas that you would like to expand on.

The website is designed to make browsing through it easy for you. You will be able to search by different categories, and to rate the tools so that other users can benefit from your feedback, and you can benefit from theirs. This way everyone gets the chance to contribute and learn from each other. You’ll be able to browse through the data base and select what is best for you, your team, and your training group based on different levels expertise. Additional information, such as a glossary of key terms used in the intercultural field, will help you find your way through this complex but always interesting domain.

Visit https://cit4vet.erasmus.site/ for more information, subscribe to our newsletter, and follow us on Twitter @CIT4VET and on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CIT4VET/

